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The Worrier2Warrior 30 Day Anxiety Challenge


Our 30 Day Worrier2Warrior Anxiety Challenge Will Help You Eliminate Or At The Very Least Significantly Reduce Your Overall Anxiety

Hi, I’m Steve and I am a licensed Psychotherapist who has been in your shoes, stuck in that constant cycle of anxiety with that gut wrenching feeling that things will never get better.

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH.

The biggest problem you face right now.

It's your past attempts at solving this problem.

But that's not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse... Why?

Because nothing has ever worked for you, it has made you skeptical!

Which means you won’t fully commit to, trust, and believe in the process.

And, worst of all, most aren’t able to get past the idea that nothing will ever work for them.

But Luckily for You There's Now A Solution to Your Problem!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

There I was, a struggling Psychotherapist who was just starting out in the field as an intern trying to manage my own stress & anxiety while attempting to help others do the same.

The thing is, at the time I was listening to all the other experts in my field and being force fed the idea that traditional therapy and medication were the only way to go.

In my gut though I knew there had to be another way to solve this problem. That meant I needed to conquer my own anxiety once and for all, not just for me but for my clients as well. This caused me to think outside the box.

Then I Had An Epiphany...

I realized that anxiety wasn't just a talking thing, it was a lifestyle thing, about making different lifestyle changes or that needed to done consistently.

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to break this cycle of anxiety once and for all. I needed to control my anxiety and stop it before it started by using what I call “anxiety hacks.”

My plan was to start implementing these "anxiety hacks" into my everyday life.

So, I started taking cold showers which provided instant relief. But I didn’t stop there.

I then made dietary changes; limiting foods most likely to impact mood.

After that, I combined these daily “anxiety hacks” with certain aspects of traditional therapy, but in a very specific way.

Bottom line: In the end I was not only able to reduce my overall anxiety, but almost completely eliminate it altogether.

Building on that success, I decided to to create a series of pdf's, eBook’s, webinars, and ultimately a 30 Day Blueprint so that others could be rid of their anxiety once and for all too.

I call it “The Worrier2Warrior 30 Day Anxiety Challenge”.

After implementing the strategies created with others, the results were as remarkable for them as it was for me. 

Clients who completed the 30 Day Anxiety Challenge can now go about their day without the shackles of anxiety holding them back. They are finally living the confident worry free lifestyle that they didn't think was possible.

And that's why I'm so excited to offer you the opportunity to achieve these same type of results.

If you truly want to stop your anxiety once and for all and break free, then this is the solution you didn't think was possible.

"The W2W 30 Day Anxiety Challenge"

"The W2W 30 Anxiety Day Challenge" Helps You:

  • Start seeing results in as little as 3 Days...
  • Control your anxiety over the short term...
  • Manage your anxiety over the long term...
  • Take what you've learned and move forward on your own without our continued support ...
  • Simple and easy ways to reduce anxiety that actually work period…

... and much, MUCH more!

You Ask Why Us? Why Now? 

  • The better question is why not us? Why another day stuck in this cycle...
  • You're only holding yourself back from reaching your true potential...
  • The longer you are held back by your anxiety, the harder it will be to break free...

Get Onboard With The W2W 30 Day Challenge Now!

This 30 Day, 4 Week Anxiety Challenge includes Tools that you will use long after you complete the Challenge.

This includes:

The W2W Anxiety Management Cheat Sheet (Daily Anxiety Hacks)

This PDF is your solution to start alleviating anxiety right away. Start your day with less stress and tension; reducing the risk of burnout & mental fatigue. You may even start to attempt activities or situations that your anxiety has been holding you back from.

The W2W Anxiety Survival Guide

This eBook makes it a snap for you to understand the principles of the process and why each step is equally as important as the next. You will get a clearer understanding of the overall goal and why it is not out of reach. Stop wasting your mental energy on things that don't matter, and start focusing on the things that do.

The W2W Assessment and Strategy Call

This One on One Strategy call will set the blueprint for your progress... We will create and you will follow a specific plan tailored to you. Learn how to attack your anxieties; which tactics work for you, and which ones don't.

The W2W Progress Calls

This is the meat and bones of the challenge, on these calls, which take place twice a week; you meet directly with me. We address any issues you may be having and ensure that you are implementing.

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