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Anxiety and Depression


Vortex of Darkness

Nights are long and sleepless.

As you lay in bed staring aimlessly at the ceiling, the constant flow of fear passes through your body. You look at your phone, and once again 3 am is staring back at you.

Every, single day is a struggle.

Getting out of bed has become a momentous event. Your mind is constantly on the go – racing, worrying, and dreading what comes next.

Things just keep getting worse and worse, with no end in sight.

At times it is so bad you are literally paralyzed.

Has it ALWAYS felt this way?

You have felt this way for so long that you don’t even remember what it was like before. You start to ‘ask’ yourself, “Maybe I’m supposed to feel like this?”

The ones closest to you have no idea what you’re going through; you hide it so well – ‘too well.’ But on the inside, the darkness looms; and you feel there is no hope.

You are trapped in an endless abyss with no light or guidance.

Re-discover Your Light

Together, we can inspire you out of this darkness.

With a few adjustments to seemingly irrelevant daily rituals, we can immediately alleviate the more pervasive symptoms.

All the while, we will work together in a comfortable, therapeutic setting; as we guide you… out of the darkness, out of the abyss, and on the road to the life you deserve to be living.

Let’s get enlightened together. Please give me a call to schedule an appointment: (516) 732-7426.

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