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Couples Therapy


Lost somewhere in the past.

You wake up every morning and turn over to the person lying next to you. Although you have been together for years, you think, “Who is this stranger?”

You think back to how things used to be, the times when you would finish each other’s sentences, and could never seem to get enough of one another – ‘your best friend.’

Those instances are now a fleeting memory.

Like a fairytale that wasn’t real.

Interactions are superficial at best. Being around one another literally feels like you are walking on eggshells – if not ‘broken glass.’

Day in and out, you go through the motions, hoping to avoid confrontation at any and all cost.

Trying not to say the wrong thing, but you don’t even know what the wrong thing is anymore.

You’re almost ready to give up hope.

All is not lost.

There is a way back to that fairytale.

Bringing memories back to life.

Together, we can make it a reality once again.

In a safe, therapeutic environment, we can work to make you and your partner whole again.

Please give me a call to set up consultation: (516) 732-7426.

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