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Eating Disorders


Mind Over Matter

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

You were going to be happier, healthier, and more fit.

Instead it has made you sick, slowly killing you, and yet you cannot stop.

Who is that person in the mirror?!

Every morning, you recognize less the person looking back at you in the mirror.

You are ashamed of what you’ve become and what people would think if they knew the truth.

You go to extreme lengths to keep this hidden at all costs. They can never know.

It has become a battle that you think you can never win.

You obsess constantly with weight and food – and the scale.

‘Oh, the scale!’ How many times a day do you step on it and dread the number glaring back at you? It is never good enough.

All other achievements be damned. Your self-worth is defined by your body.

You try to avoid food at all costs and control the urges for as long as you can – but they always win.

Then comes the guilt.

When you eat, “really” eat, it is done in secrecy. ‘Everything is devoured…’ in an uncontrollable and mindless rage.

Then the guilt comes smacking you in the face like a crushing wave. Panic sets in. The damage must be “undone” somehow. Once it’s over – once it’s been “undone” – you swear it will be the last time. But that is not true; it’s NEVER true.

Every day – one way or the other – the urges always win. In secrecy, there you are once again trying to undo the damage, washing away the guilt and fear.

Breaking the cycle of despair.

However, you are not alone – the cycle can be broken. We can work together to help you take back control of your life.

Through a safe and proven method, I will provide you with the tools necessary to break this seemingly insurmountable pattern.

Once that is achieved, we then work toward getting you back on the path of health and wellness, the path that you originally intended before this cycle took hold.

If you are ready to break free and take back control of your life, call and set up an initial consultation today: (516) 732-7426.

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