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Individual Therapy


Wanting more than just surviving…

You hear the word ‘therapy’ or ‘counseling’, and you think to yourself…

“That’s not for me; I don’t need that kind of help. I’m strong enough to figure this out on my own. It will get better over time.”

But the days turn into weeks…

…and the weeks turn into months. Before you know it, you’re in a place where you think nobody would ever understand what you’re going through.

Tired, drained, and hopeless, every day you feel like it’s a miracle that you made it through, only to dread tomorrow and try to forget yesterday.

You are not living. You are just surviving.

Build a new life on a foundation of Happiness.

In one-on-one sessions, conducted in a safe and relaxed setting, we will work to address any and all issues that are preventing you from experiencing the great joys that life has to offer.

Together, we will make sure that you are living and not just surviving.

Living is not for the weak, and it is the strong that ask for help.

Call and set up a consultation today and start living again! (516) 732-7426.

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