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Keto Nutrition Counseling


Yo-Yo Dieting

You’ve tried it all: Paleo Diet, Atkins Diet, and Whole30.

Every time, you say to yourself, “This one is going to work. I am going to lose the weight and keep it off.”

The start before the crash.

Initially you come rushing right out of the gate – strong, committed – and you see some success.

But then you have a friend’s birthday weekend, or you cheated last night at happy hour.

You say to yourself, “One bad day is not going to do anything.”

One bad day turns into two – and then three.

Before you know it, you are right back where you started – again.

You feel like you will never lose the weight permanently.

Maintaining an equilibrium – more than just dieting.

The main issue here is the word “Diet.” To truly lose weight and keep it off, you must change your lifestyle.

With all the misconceptions about the Ketogenic Diet, it’s no wonder why people often try it and almost always fail; it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

Finding a new lifestyle.

With my guidance, I can help you navigate around the common pitfalls with ease.

Together, we will push through the “Keto Flu.” Not only will we get the weight off and keep it off, but we will also create an overall healthier you.

The Ketogenic Lifestyle not only has immense benefits for your body, but for your mind and mood, as well.

Demystifying the gym.

We’ve all been there. You get to the gym all revved up and ready for a good workout, yet you have no idea where to begin.

You look around, and it seems like everyone knows exactly what they’re doing – except for you.

So, you start off on the treadmill, because it is the simplest and most common thing in the gym. Then, you head over to the free weights and try a few things that you saw on TV. But you really have no idea what you’re doing, and you quickly feel utterly discouraged.

Doctors often say to increase exercise…

… but what they don’t give you is a guide on how to do so.

Along with the Keto Nutrition Counseling, I’ll provide a concise and simple-to-follow workout regime that goes hand in hand with the customized meal plan.

Let me demystify the gym for you. Once you have a solid plan, you will realize how simple, not scary, and fun exercise can be.

Please give me a call for more information on Keto Nutrition: (516) 732-7426.

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