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OCD Treatment


Mad Hatter Approach to Life

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. You’re constantly late for work but for absolutely no good reason.

You wake up early enough to get everything done. You know “your routine.” Yet, there is never enough time. The more time you set aside, the longer it takes you.

Triple Checking All the Things

As silly as it sounds, you checked and triple-checked to make sure that the stove is off, the iron is unplugged, and that you locked the doors.

You are well on your way to work now, but you cannot stop asking yourself, “Am I sure I locked the door? Is the iron unplugged? Could the stove be on?”

The thoughts begin to gain steam.

The what-ifs are running rampant in your head. Your heart is racing, and panic ensues.

In an instant, you reverse course back home just to make sure everything is off and locked, even though you know deep down inside that they are.

You most certainly will be late for work now, and your job is already in jeopardy because of your ‘process.’

Yet you cannot stop. You have no control.

Breaking the Habit

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.

I can help you break from these routines and rituals – and take back control of your life. Together, we can get you moving forward again.

Call to set up a consultation today, and we can begin the process to remove these senseless shackles that are holding you back: (516) 732-7426.

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