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Worrier 2 Warrior

Steven Alimaras, LMHC

Mental Health Counseling located in Astoria, Queens, NY & Manhasset Village, Manhasset, NY

When negative thoughts are racing through your mind, they can easily influence your actions and behaviors. Steven Alimaras, LMHC, is a licensed clinical psychotherapist who understands how quickly unhelpful thoughts and behaviors can impact your life. At Worrier 2 Warrior in Astoria, Queens, and Manhasset, New York, he uses cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to break this cyclical pattern and help you achieve a better quality of life. To learn more about CBT, call Worrier 2 Warrior or schedule an appointment online today.


What is CBT?

CBT is a type of psychotherapy that aims to help you break the cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors so you can navigate life’s challenges in a healthier way. 

At the heart of CBT is the idea that many mental health problems — anxiety, depression, etc. — stem from deep-rooted negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

While you can’t change what’s out of your control, you can adjust the way you respond to these challenges. CBT can help you take control of your thoughts, so you can enjoy the quality of life you deserve.

What can CBT treat?

CBT is an effective tool for many mental health conditions and common problems that adolescents and adults face, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • Marital disagreements
  • Relationship problems
  • Sleep disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Drug and alcohol addiction
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Sexual disorders
  • Schizophrenia 

After an initial appointment, which typically lasts for about 45 minutes, the Worrier 2 Warrior team can determine whether CBT is right for your specific needs. While in-person visits are available, the team conducts most sessions through teletherapy.

What does CBT treatment involve?

CBT is an individualized form of therapy, so your plan depends on your specific needs. At Worrier 2 Warrior, the team uses certain CBT strategies to change your distorted perceptions and thoughts into more constructive ones.

Address intrusive thoughts

Developing helpful coping mechanisms for intrusive thoughts and negative perceptions is one of the core principles of CBT. During your sessions, Steven and the team help you recognize these distortions and how they’re actually creating new problems for you. 

Understand a new perspective

Many individuals focus on the way outsiders, such as friends, family, and co-workers, view them. These negative thoughts can have a detrimental impact on your self-esteem. CBT strives to help you understand the motivation of others from a new perspective.

Improve coping strategies

CBT enables you to develop concrete coping mechanisms for specific challenges in your everyday life. The goal is to give you problem-solving skills that can help you respond more positively to specific interactions that make you feel anxious or unhappy.

Change unhelpful behaviors

To help you break unhelpful behavioral patterns, Steven and the team may try CBT strategies, such as role-playing, stress reduction techniques, reframing, or exposure therapy.

For more information on CBT, call Worrier 2 Warrior or schedule an appointment online today.