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OCD Treatment

Worrier 2 Warrior

Steven Alimaras, LMHC

Mental Health Counseling located in Astoria, Queens, NY & Manhasset Village, Manhasset, NY

If obsessive or repetitive thoughts and behaviors often interfere with your ability to function in your daily life, the team at Worrier 2 Warrior can help. With two convenient locations in Astoria, Queens, and Manhasset, New York, licensed clinical psychotherapist Steven Alimaras, LMHC, takes a multifaceted approach to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). To learn more about OCD treatment at Worrier 2 Warrior, call or schedule an appointment online now.

OCD Treatment Q & A

What is OCD treatment?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental health condition that causes recurrent, unwanted thoughts and compulsions.

Obsessions are intrusive thoughts, feelings, or images that trigger intense anxiety or distress. Compulsions are specific behaviors you feel you must engage in to relieve these overwhelming feelings.

Therapeutic OCD treatment draws from different forms of therapy to help you regain control of your life and function without obsessive thoughts or compulsions.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

There are many subtypes of OCD that may not align with the classic signs of this complex mental health disorder. Not everybody experiences compulsions with OCD, and some have compulsions without obsessive thoughts. 


Obsessive thoughts or feelings can be intense and overwhelming to the point that you can’t control them when they take over your mind. Obsessions may appear as sudden images or overwhelming impulses.

Common themes that people with OCD experience include:

  • Fear of bacteria, dirt, or uncleanliness
  • Feeling scared of yelling or blurting obscenities
  • Extreme concern over losing something important
  • Reoccurring thoughts, sounds, or images
  • Intrusive sexual thoughts or disturbing images

Many people with OCD recognize that their obsessions aren’t realistic but that there’s no way to resolve them.


Compulsions refer to repetitive behaviors that those with OCD feel they must carry out to relieve anxiety from their obsessions. Most compulsions occur in direct response to a particular obsession, but they can develop without accompanying obsessions.

Common compulsions for those with OCD include:

  • Excessive hand-washing
  • Checking light switches, locks, or appliances a specific number of times
  • Repetitively counting
  • Constantly seeking approval from others
  • Ritualistic cleaning
  • Ordering objects in a particular way

Without treatment, obsessions and compulsions can severely interfere with your daily life. Many people with OCD have specific routines they must follow to relieve their anxiety or distress.

How does OCD treatment work?

Steven and the team draw from many types of therapy to treat OCD. The primary goal of OCD treatment is to help you function in your daily life without repetitive obsessions or compulsions.

CBT therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most common type of treatment to relieve the symptoms of OCD. CBT works to replace your unhelpful thoughts and behaviors with new problem-solving skills and coping mechanisms. 

Exposure and response prevention (ERP)

ERP is a type of CBT that exposes you to your triggers in a safe, controlled environment with a licensed psychotherapist. 

With Steven’s help, you can train your mind and body not to respond to obsessive thoughts with compulsive behaviors. Over time, Steven teaches you ERP exercises to manage your symptoms at home.

Most therapy sessions last for about 45 minutes. Worrier 2 Warrior primarily operates through teletherapy, but you can schedule an in-person visit if necessary.

To learn more, call Worrier 2 Warrior or schedule an appointment online today.