Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.


Worrier 2 Warrior

Steven Alimaras, LMHC

Mental Health Counseling located in Astoria, Queens, NY & Manhasset Village, Manhasset, NY

Showing up to your therapy appointment after rushing across town can be anxiety-inducing. At Worrier 2 Warrior in Astoria, Queens, and Manhasset, New York, licensed clinical psychotherapist Steven Alimaras, LMHC, wants his patients to feel relaxed and comfortable during their therapy sessions. That’s why he primarily offers telehealth visits over traditional in-person sessions. To schedule a telehealth therapy session today, call Worrier 2 Warrior or book an appointment online.

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth allows you to receive medical care and guidance virtually, using a computer, tablet, smartphone, or videoconferencing device. At Worrier 2 Warrior, Steven and the team provide a secure platform to conduct private telehealth therapy (“teletherapy”) sessions.

Teletherapy provides a safe and secure way to connect with your therapist from an environment where you feel comfortable and relaxed.

How does telehealth work?

Before you begin your first teletherapy visit, the team sends you information about how to access the secure platform and connect with Steven. To get the most out of your first session, make sure to fill out any online forms or information the team needs beforehand.

Once you connect to the platform, your therapy session is exactly like an in-person visit. Steven asks some get-to-know-you questions to learn more about your background, your reasons for seeking therapy, and more.

Like an in-person visit, teletherapy sessions last for about 45 minutes. How often you meet with Steven depends on your unique needs, schedule, and availability. While Worrier 2 Warrior functions primarily through teletherapy, in-person visits are available upon request.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Teletherapy offers many advantages over traditional in-person therapy sessions, such as:

Access to care

Most people don’t live a short walk away from their therapist. With in-person therapy, this can mean you have to coordinate transportation, parking, and child care. Telehealth gives you the opportunity to connect with a therapist no matter where you live.


If your schedule is packed, it can be difficult to find the right time to meet with a therapist. Because you can access teletherapy using nearly any device, it’s easier to fit your sessions into your schedule when you’re running low on time.

Lower cost

Paying for gas, parking, and child care are just a few ways in-person therapy can cost more than the price of the session. By choosing teletherapy, you can reduce or eliminate your therapy-related expenses.


While therapy visits are always private and confidential, parking lots and waiting rooms aren’t. With telehealth, you can access the counseling you need discreetly.

To schedule a telehealth visit with Steven and the team, call Worrier 2 Warrior or book an appointment online today.